You Are Enough

Yesterday I had a crazy busy day. I had a couple of business meetings, a lunch with one of my persons, someone who is a vital part of my support system. And then I got back and had a couple of crisis phone calls.

And in the midst of that, I dropped a couple of important balls.

Life is like that.

We have full plates that we are trying to juggle. And then stuff happens. And one of the plates get dropped. Or a few of them do. Most of the time for me, the plates that get dropped are the most important ones. Like my husband or my kids or my tribe.

And often, when that happens I lay in bed at night beating myself up. The insecure, frail, vulnerable me wants to be perfect. The voice inside of me that screams “see, you are not enough, you will never be enough” is loud and works hard to drown out the truth. At 56, I still battle almost daily with the feelings that I am not enough. That I have to strive. That I have to “do.” And if I fail, no one will like me. Being “liked” is my drug of choice.

So when I can’t find the truth that is inside me, I have to get the truth from outside of me. The truth that whispers in my ear “you are enough.” The truth that says “I see you. I see you in all your shortcomings. All of your failures. All of the disappointments. And I love you. I love you anyway.”

That is grace.

Walk in grace today my friends.

You are enough.

Copyright @ 2019 Our Marvelous Mess